
  • Татьяна Антоновна КОВТУН Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine
  • Татьяна Николаевна СМОКОВА Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine



multimodal logistics complex, integration communications, logistics integration, project integration, integration risks


The authors of the article describe the features of integration in projects of multi-modal logistics complex (MLC). Classification of the multimodal logistics complex projects was conducted. Substantiated expediency synthesis logistics and project approach to the analysis of the projects risk of the MLC. The authors of the necessity of introducing the determination ―Project risk of multi-modal logistics complex. Especially the risks of rupture of integration relations in the project were identified. The necessity of allocating the integration project risks multimodal logistics complex in a separate group of risks that require careful study and management as such that affect system integrity MLC project


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