
  • Игорь Игоревич БАБИЧ National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Kharkiv, Ukraine



modeling, simulation model, forecasting, industry, interbranch interactions


An improved version of the simulation model for forecasting scientific and technological development of economic activities in Ukraine has been developed within the framework of the research. The improved simulation model is fully consistent with the new classifier of economic activities in Ukraine, which was developed on the basis of the international statistical classification of economic activities by the European Union (NACE). Thus, it is possible to use the improved simulation model to predict the development of the industry, not only in Ukraine but also in any European Union country. To predict the process of production and distribution of products between economic activities, public sector, final consumption of the population, and foreign consumers the unit for modeling interbranch interactions has been integrated into the simulation model. Another developed unit allows modeling production volume of import for intra-consumption (production needs) for each of the considered in the simulation model economic activity. The improved structure of the simulation model gives the ability to predict the development of industry in Ukraine not only in the context of its main industries but also in the context of economic activities that form the industries. 


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