


municipal energy efficiency improvement projects, municipal infrastructure, project and program management, proactivity


The analysis of scientific and practical developments on the identification and classification of stakeholders, the definition of centers of influence on projects. It is shown that in literary sources insufficient attention is paid to aspects of proactive stakeholder engagement in project management, the specifics of projects to improve municipal energy efficiency are not taken into account. In this article, it was proposed to introduce the concept of the basis of proactivity, the roles of stakeholders of projects to improve municipal energy efficiency and the strength of their influence on management decision-making are defined. A model of stakeholders of such projects is proposed, taking into account the implementation of their proactive impact. The model identifies stakeholders, their roles in projects to improve municipal energy efficiency, and proposes appropriate proactive bases. The principles of the implementation of proactive communication of the project team to improve municipal energy efficiency with stakeholders are formulated: the principle of common values, the principle of priority, and the principle of continuous monitoring, the principle of effective feedback and the principle of strategic partnership. A method of proactive communication of the project management system has also been developed, which will allow proactive project management to increase municipal energy efficiency. The method is determined by ten steps that: isolate stakeholders and form a set of the most influential stakeholders, model interconnections in the selected group, and form a system of interconnections based on the coincidence of interests, influences on the target function, their behavior and rational scenarios of the stakeholders.

Author Biography

Сергій Дмитрович Бушуєв, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Завідувач кафедри управління проектами


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