


IT project; IT project team management; design thinking technology; minimum viable product


The IT industry, like any other, has its own specifics. There are developed and tested methods for creating and managing IT projects at all levels of formalization from waterfall to flexible. However, the processes of forming and managing the team of any IT project remain poorly structured and uncertain. Modern life is constantly changing the attitude of customers and users of a project's product to project management methodologies. The criteria for assessing the success of a project are steadily shifting towards ensuring the satisfaction of its main stakeholders. To do this, develop new, or use previously unused means. Among them are the technology of design thinking and the concept of creating a minimum viable product (MVP). These tools began to be used in project management processes with the aim of maximizing stakeholder satisfaction. The paper analyzes the technology of using design thinking and shows the feasibility of its use as an element of the IT project management methodology, which applies client-oriented and value-oriented management approaches. However, at this stage, the technology of design thinking is more developed in a psychological and communicative context. Therefore, the use of the algorithm for creating the MVP will allow formalizing the stages of design thinking when creating an IT project product, and the MVP itself will be used as the current version of the IT project product, unlike the existing IT project management tools, it will exist almost from the very start of the IT project. It is clear that the proposed tools will be applied in practice by the IT project team, which usually suffers from "sudden deadlines", constant temporary overloads in the implementation of an IT project. Therefore, it is important to develop mechanisms for the formation, management and training of an IT project team based on design thinking with a minimum viable product as the basis for development.


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