


advanced training, educational project, creativity, personnel risks, project team, degree of confidence, forming a team


Project management methodology is widely used in various aspects of educational activities, including in the field of adult education. In-service training projects implemented by higher education institutions in the field of adult education, mainly at public expense, are limited, on the one hand, in terms of implementation, which leads to the impossibility of increasing project implementation time, then in the amount of funding regulated by relevant provisions and resolutions on the organization of professional training (advanced training) of specialists, and on the other hand, the internal regulations and rules of educational institutions on the organization of training and implementation of educational projects in the field of higher education, aimed at working with students. At the same time, the implementation of such projects is subject to increased requirements for their quality. Under such conditions, the implementation of educational projects of professional development is quite difficult. Teams of educational projects of advanced training are formed mainly of persons selected from among the internal employees of the educational institution, who are able to work with an adult audience. To form such teams, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of adult learning, the peculiarities of educational projects of professional development and the peculiarities of the teams of such projects. Accordingly, the management of such teams is associated with certain personnel risks that may affect the success of the project. In turn, working with teams whose members have a high creative potential requires effective  management methods, one of which is the process of forming a single, coherent team of like-minded people who can effectively achieve the project goal. A method of forming teams of educational projects of advanced training, obtained as a result of cross-evaluation of qualities (creativity) of team members of such projects, taking into account their personnel risks and "degrees of trust", is proposed. It is concluded that this method allows the head of the educational project to increase the efficiency of decision-making on team building or planning of executors for the educational project of professional development, by selecting applicants with the highest "degrees of trust".


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Bedrii D., Semko I. Cognitive model for assessing the impact of personnel risks and conflicts in scientific projects. Science and Education a New Dimension, Natural and Technical Sciences, VII(25), Issue: 206, Budapest, 2019 sept. p. 33-36. - DOI:





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