


IT project, competence, efficiency, evaluation of efficiency


The research and substantiation of the conceptual procedure of evaluation of efficiency of IT projects which are realized on the basis of application of flexible methodology of Scrum is offered. This procedure will increase the efficiency of the IT project, as well as reduce its implementation time. The substantiation and choice of the criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of the IT project, which takes into account the human factor, is presented. Evaluation is based on human resources research, namely the characteristics of project team members. Conceptually, the procedure for evaluating the effectiveness of an IT project is a complex multi-stage iterative process that requires consideration of the team implementation of IT project processes. The transparency of Scrum's general terms and standards of flexible methodology provides the possibility of the expected result. Therefore, continuous evaluation of performance at each stage of Scrum will increase productivity and help to identify deviations at an early stage, when they can be quickly eliminated or corrected. Based on this, we can identify the following main stages of evaluating the effectiveness of IT projects implemented in the flexible methodology of Scrum. An integrated indicator of project team competence was obtained, which provides opportunities to reconcile the company's IT goals and opportunities to reduce requirements, as well as the decision to continue research by expanding existing options or synthesis of new options with appropriate variation of indicators, weights, composition of elements. Conclusions are made about the possibility of applying the research in the development of an intelligent system for evaluating the effectiveness of the IT project based on determining the level of competence of project team members, which will reduce project implementation time and increase IT project efficiency.


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