
  • Петро Петрович САВЧУК Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine
  • Микола Анатолійович ДЕМИДЮК Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine
  • Олена Миколаївна СІВАКОВСЬКА Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine



projects, systems and products, configurations, management, processes, coordination


Systems and products, and projects, which are created with the help of these systems, are characterized by appropriate configurations. Processes of these configurations management are regulated by corresponding standards. The problem of approval configurations for systems and products and their projects is not solved in these standards. The analysis of the last achievements and publications demonstrate the responsibility of creating management process for approval configurations. The aim of the research is to reveal the place of this process and to determine levels of its research. Methods of the research are induction and deduction, system analysis and synthesis, method of analogy and modeling. The structure of the process of configurations system managements for systems and products and their projects is solved in the research. This structure consists of two processes of configuration management, which provide the creating systems and products, and project and technological modeling. There have been proposed the creating of configurations managements of systems and products, and their projects for the abidance of project and technological process, and the process of project configuration management for systems and products with creating processes of these systems and management of their configuration. There have been determined the place of this process in the structure of the process of configurations system management for systems and products, and their projects. Coordination levels of configurations are based on the system analysis of the identification of the configuration results for systems and products, management regulations of their creation, project and technological structures and regulations of projects management configuration. There have been determined four levels of researches of the process for approval configurations.


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