
  • Олександр Михайлович ТЕЛІЖЕНКО Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine
  • Вадим Олександрович ЛУК’ЯНИХІН Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine
  • Наталія Олегівна БАЙСТРЮЧЕНКО Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine



organization, educational process, the project team, effectiveness, training and project bureau, management


In the article proposed the approach to the organization of independent work of students in the university. Analyzed constraints introduction of a new system of independent work of students in project-based approach. So, traditional educational technology reveals the student's level of knowledge but not the level of competence. It is crucial to note that independent work at that - minor, auxiliary element. The student can actually qualify for the discipline and without strenuous extracurricular independent work. In turn, new educational technology is based on the opposite postulate - not to make the lecture lesson material that the student previously worked independently and did not confirm the input (previous) audits, at least, a minimum level of assimilation, which enables active participation in discussions, competitive in solving problems in conscious laboratory work, etc. Substantiates the use of project-based approach for traditional nobility shortcomings of the educational process. The result of the concept of project oriented training in educational and poly professional project teams should be staffing companies and organizations in the form of project-oriented teams of various specialists capable of solving the entire complex tasks. The paper considered organizational and methodological base implementation approach, the advantages and disadvantages of the new method


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