
  • Варвара Михайлівна ПІТЕРСЬКА Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine



project management, project-oriented approach, scientific activities, innovative development


The article describes the current state of science in Ukraine, indicated the main directions of research funding. The methodological approach of working out of the project-oriented strategy of innovative development of scientific activity, including the implementation of international trends and support of research is proposed. Using of a project-oriented approach of research activities due to the need of reducing of the research cycle and strengthen expenditure control capabilities due to restrictions of funding research projects from the state. It should be noted that the structuring of research, given the project approach, allows engaging of the implementation of the research project professionals with good knowledge and skills and create a team activity focused on quality results. Innovations aren‘t still properly means the improvement of competitiveness in Ukraine. Thus, the problem of transition to an innovative development model retains its relevance, that significantly enhanced in the light of current external and internal trends. Using of the project-oriented innovation management due to the need to shorten the cycle of research and to strengthen the control over the expenditure of funds in connection with the limited funding of scientific research by the state.


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