
  • Ольга Андреевна КОЗИНА National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Наталия Константиновна СТРАТИЕНКО National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Kharkiv,



IT-start-up, project management, business model, life cycle stages, investments, lean startup model


Decrease mortality of startups during first three years of existing is an important task of the economy of any country. It has been established that the existing methods of enterprise management have some disadvantages or limits for using in IT-startups management. Analysis of mortality reasons of startups in different stages of their life cycle has been carried out. The comparing of reasons why startups in different time intervals, in different areas of them functioning are failure showed that the run out of cash and the use of not viable business model have appeared mortality factors most often denoted by ex-leaders of startups. The model of startup management based on the lean startup model has been developed. Steps for the management of startups along first two stages of their life cycle were added. We noted that it is important to select set of static points and changeable points of startup during the process of formulation of the business model. Steps to reduce the number of iterations in the method of the lean startup are proposed.


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