
  • Михайло Збишекович ДОМБРОВСЬКИЙ Ternopil National Economic University, Ternopil, Ukraine
  • Анатолій Олексійович САЧЕНКО Ternopil National Economic University, Ternopil, Ukraine



proactive management, strategic development, project, energy supply companies, turbulent environment, uncertainty


A methodical approach of proactive project management model with the estimate (prediction) deviation of actual results from planned at each control step is proposed. Deviation of actual results from the project planned, which takes place in the management of the energy company transformation project, as a result of action under uncertainty, determines the acceleration of work over the project plan. Implementation the scope of work, which exceeds the plan, as result of overspending of resources and budget, disrupting the stability of the project as a system. The graphic model helps to form the "corridor" tolerance based resource reserve, and the implementation of the project work is carried out according to the extension concept. Clarification allowable deviation area allows improving the model of project proactive management for each of the next execution step. Project management quality is improved by reducing the time of decision-making and increase the sustainability and efficiency by substantially reducing deviations. The conclusions about the benefits of the assessment of works and project resources balance, by using the proactive management model, which allows comparing variants of works dynamics, to implement the search for the best solution to a predetermined set of admissible, have been made.


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