
  • Tetiana G. FESENKO Luhansk National Agrarian University, Kharkiv, Ukraine



knowledge management, urban project, gender diversity, gender sensitive planning, gender mainstreaming, friendly urban space


The concept «gender» is included in socially-oriented urban projects at the level of a process of planning and designing. Gender planning assumes in finding ways to convert the harmonious combination of rights and opportunities for women and men in «urban landscape» as «quality living spaces». It is noted that the current policy of Ukrainian cities generally is gender-blind. The living space is considered as gender asymmetry, particularly in terms of providing the right to access to the «urban spaces». The gender-sensitive indicators of urban planning which might have a transformative impact on the beneficiaries’ gender+ practices are proposed. The integrated framework for rendering urban planning is developed and tested on the examples within the Ukraine context of green landscaping, neighborhood design projects. 


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