
  • Тигран Георгиевич ГРИГОРЯН Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolayiv, Ukraine



project management, value, stakeholders' values, value harmonization, bimatrix games


The problem of project stakeholders interests harmonization is described. The problem of project stakeholders interests harmonization, as a solution of the noncooperative game between two players - the project team led by a manager and stakeholders, grouped by similar interests, is stated. The concept of the operation of the value balancing and the harmonization of values and the model integrating these concepts on the basis of bimatrix games are presented. The connection between the application of the proposed model with the project, product and value life cycle is showed. The developed model allows obtaining the probabilities of the use of recommended strategies taking into account stakeholders' value guidelines to ensure the sustainability of the project, necessary for its implementation and finalization. The alternatives for the typical players' strategies, allowing to typify situations in real projects and reduce the diversity of possible situations in value-oriented stakeholder' values balancing to a finite set of combination of enough low power are presented. The conclusions about the use of the proposed model obtained results and further research tasks have been made.  


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