


strategy of the Blue ocean, river-sea vessels, coasters, strategic canvas


The variants of realization of Strategy of the Blue ocean in the field of marine transport are reviewed. A Blue ocean is new market space for creation of demand and care from a rivalry. Blue ocean strategy is a creative approach for creation of such a product (service) that is valuable for a customer; therefore a new market niche is opened in that a competition is weak or in general is absent. The purpose of developing advanced marine transport companies according to the strategy of the Blue Ocean is to search for untouched business areas where growth and profit still exist. Effective approach of diagnostics and construction of the Blue ocean strategy is a strategic canvas that reflects, as far as different criteria in shipping business satisfy the necessities of the client. As in Ukraine considerable proportion of ship by a deadweight is less than 5000 t, then the river-sea vessels and coasters are especially demanded. The opportunities for the shipping companies to apply the Blue Ocean strategy for these types of vessels in the Black and Mediterranean seas are the transshipment of cargoes, the construction of perspective types of vessels that will provide transportation of project cargo. The transportation of "project cargo‖ can involve different constituents, including oversized cargo, heavy cargo, industrial equipment and mechanisms, expensive and dangerous cargo with different packing and tier of piling. Such transportation differs in its singularity and rarity, complication caused by transport descriptions of freight places. Traditional market boundaries should be reviewed and alternatives, for example, cargo handling, should be explored. Today, such variants of transportation are popular: for river-sea vessels, it is the work from river terminals to the roadside transshipment complexes, i.e. in fact ensuring the delivery of bulk cargo to sea tonnage. The interest of such scheme is determined by the lack of the number of deep-water ports in Ukraine and the problem of delivering cargo to these deep-sea ports by rail and road transport. It is worthwhile to focus on the general picture transmitted by the strategic canvas, and not on figures. It is important to recall the non-users not using traditionally the services of the industry and determine the forms of their attraction.


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