


conceptual model, scientific project, project team, human resources, personnel risks


Human resources management is an important part of the project management methodology, which regulates the organization, management, and management of the project team. The project team consists of people who have identified the appropriate roles and responsibilities for the project. Members of the project team can have different skills, knowledge and can be attracted to full or part-time employment at different phases of the life cycle of the project. The organizational structure of the project is the basis for the introduction of the principles of teamwork, communications management, stakeholder management, leadership elements, motivation system, etc. At the same time, the problem of risks arising in the process of personnel management reflects the increase in the significance of the human factor in project management. Personnel management is based on the adoption of personnel decisions, which are always taken in conditions of complete or partial uncertainty. Proceeding from this, the main task of the project manager is the need to form an effective team of the project, as well as the organizational structure of personnel management, which will be able to bring the project to completion, create a quality product of the project and meet the wishes of stakeholders. Especially it can help in solving the tasks facing the project team in case of conflicts, problems, and issues. In this case, the leadership qualities of the project manager will come to the rescue, which will allow translating destructive conflicts into constructive ones to improve the internal environment in the project team. Based on this, a conceptual model for the formation of a highly effective scientific project team has been developed, which takes into account the leadership qualities of the project manager to create a business atmosphere in the team and to involve all team members to jointly solve problems.


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