


anticipative management, IT projects, distributed information systems, distributed projects


The article analyzes the modern trends of information technologies development and their impact on business transformation. It describes how these trends influence the creation of complex and powerful IT products with non-standard characteristics. Traditional management methodologies don‟t provide the effective management of such projects in full scope. This leads to the need of searching for new approaches that take into account the specifics of modern complex information technologies, their elements, characteristics and communication parameters. In addition, the approach should take into account the influence of the project stakeholders‟ interests and the impact of the dynamic external environment. As such an approach, the authors consider the anticipative management of distributed projects for the creation of complex information systems and the development of distributed information systems. The article outlines the features of distributed IT projects as a complex system that evolves under the influence of internal and external repeatedly intersecting conditions. It explains an approach to determine the sequence of steps to form the framework for the anticipative management of distributed projects and indicates the impact areas on the project and on the related product caused by anticipative management approach. The authors investigate the possibilities of anticipative project management by utilization of project management system, the product development system and the development organization operations processes, taking into account the context of the external environment. An execution model of anticipative management for complex IT projects is proposed. The results of conducted researches showcased that for managing complex projects it‟s possible to use elements and characteristics of distributed projects and implement distributed management approach. It‟s noted that while using a proactive approach for managing distributed projects of the IT systems development, it‟s important to handle signals that can bring these systems into a critical transition state; i.e., into a state which leads for losing the ability to restore its balanced condition and for transitioning into a completely new state or to destruction. Such critical transitions are caused by complex nonlinear interdepending effects. The authors propose to simulate the critical state transitions of a complex distributed project management system using artificial neural networks.


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