


project team, competence, ranging, work structure, responsibility matrix, functional role.


There has been proposed a method of forming the necessary set of competencies for the purpose of its further use in the practice of project activity on the basis of ranging. The set of competencies is determined according to the specified work structure in the project. The evaluation of functions is carried out on the basis of filling in the responsibility matrix of the project team members. An example of the project of creating training courses in higher schools is considered. On the basis of this matrix, competences to perform certain tasks in the project were distinguished for the project team members. The selection of competencies was carried out according to three groups in the ICB 4 standard: Practice, People, and Perspective. The dependence of the specific weight of competence on its average rank is established. In accordance with the responsibility matrix, the correspondence between competencies and tasks being performed is determined. Using this method, it is possible to choose from the set of competencies of the ICB 4 standard those competencies that are necessary for the team members to implement a particular project, and to determine the weighting factors providing the accuracy of determining the necessary competencies for performing project tasks. The identification of the competencies required to fulfill a particular functional role of the project team members allows determining the compliance of the participant with a functional role when forming the project team. The application of the described method is necessary for solving problems related to the necessity for an objective assessment of potential project team members.


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