


strategic management, health care system, project-oriented medical institution, strategic marketing, medical project


The interconnection of medical projects of a project-oriented medical institution (POMI) with the external environment is provided through the strategy of development of a medical institution. In order to develop effective tools for strategic management of POMI in the conditions of significant external impact turbulent environment on relation to medical projects, the first stage of strategic management of POMI is considered - strategic marketing related to the strategic analysis of the external environment and analysis of the strategies of the environment in order to determine their own strategic guidelines for the respective POMI`s medical project. Thus, the elaboration of a strategy for the development of a health care institution depends entirely on the systemicity, completeness and quality of the strategic analysis of the external environment. The approaches to the strategic analysis of medical projects of POMI in the context of each of the three types of such projects - therapeutic, organizational and scientific - are explored. For each of these types of POMI's medical projects a corresponding system model of strategic management are proposed; and the models of the results of the strategic analysis of the relevant projects that should serve as input information at the stage of elaboration of the development strategy of the medical institution are reviewed and structured. The proposed strategic management models will increase the efficiency and expand the methodological tools of project management and strategic management of a project-oriented medical institution in order to ensure its functioning and sustainable development in the long term in the conditions of high turbulence, characteristic of the modern environment for the implementation of medical projects.


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