


low-mobility passengers, architectural and spatial accessibility, railway station complex, customer-oriented project management


Current approaches in the organization of the architectural and spatial accessibility of civil engineering objects are analyzed. The focus of the research is state building codes required for the development of architectural design and technical solutions of the railway station complex. It is noted that passengers with reduced mobility include not only disabled people but also older people, pregnant women, parents with children, people with temporary injuries, etc. Inclusive components in the functioning of the railway companies «Ukrzaliznytsya» (Ukraine) and Deutsche Bahn AG (Germany) are compared. The matrix for tracking the requirements of low-mobility groups of passengers in the projects of the organization of the architectural and spatial accessibility of the railway station complex has been developed. The seven groups of requirements to the design of the organization of the railway station availability are formed: barrier-free movement on the station and the adjacent territory; parking area; inputs and outputs, doors; stairs and ramps; corridors, transitions to railway platforms; bathrooms; railway ticket offices, luggage storage, payphones, ATMs. The mathematical description of models of the estimate of architectural and spatial accessibility of the railway station complexes for passengers with limited mobility is offered. It is noted that the estimate of the inclusiveness of design solutions of the railway station complex by passengers with limited mobility groups can be integrated into the procedure for selection of projects for the formation of the programs and portfolios projects content, oriented to the architectural and spatial accessibility of Ukrainian railway stations. Audit of architectural and spatial accessibility of the railway station complex «Kharkiv-Passazhirsky» is carried out. According to its results, «weak spots» in accessibility from the point of view of the needs of all different low-mobility groups of passengers were identified.


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