


information model, interaction, stakeholder, organizational project, aircraft maintenance, communication, information risks


Managing project stakeholders is one of the components of a project management methodology that requires the project manager and his team to continually communicate with all project participants to understand and meet their needs and expectations, as well as involve them in the project decision-making process. This leads to the fact that an effective system of interaction between the stakeholders is the key to timely, high-quality and within the framework of the approved budget for the implementation of the project. According to the analysis of scientific works, it was concluded that to improve the management efficiency of the stakeholders of any project, including the organizational project in the aircraft servicing sphere, it would be very useful to apply information technology that would allow managing the influences of stakeholders on the project, taking into account professional and the competence, skills and abilities of the project manager and his team. It proposes the development of an information model for the interaction of stakeholders of an organizational project in the field of aircraft maintenance for its timely and high-quality implementation. The implementation of the information model will allow the project manager and his team to ensure high-quality, timely and effective interaction with all stakeholders in the implementation of an organizational project in the field of aircraft maintenance and to determine a specific list of documents. Information support strategies are presented, which are an important condition for maintaining productive relationships with stakeholders. If problems arise in the process of exchanging information in an organizational project in the field of aircraft servicing, the project’s success may be jeopardized, in particular, information risks may arise. Based on the results of this study, it was concluded that the project manager and his team members should timely select the best options for cooperation in the project and ways to exchange information to ensure successful project implementation.

Author Biography

Олена Борисівна Данченко, Університет «КРОК»

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