


harvesting projects, yield, environment, stochastic, technological systems, modelling, coordination, efficiency


The components of the technological systems project environment of agricultural crops harvesting are analyzed. The factors of the external and internal project environment are singled out. The connections оf their impact on the effectiveness project product have been identified. The components that need to be taken into account during the development of the harvesting crops technological systems projects are singled out. Partial methods of the production observations and computer experiments that are developed for virtual projects simulation of corresponding technological systems are described. The general scheme of the components coordination method of environment project of agricultural crops harvesting technological systems is presented. The advantages of statistical simulation methods using for taking into account the combined effect of uncontrolled and stochastic components of the environment project on the timeliness of work and the implementation effectiveness of these projects are presented. The expediency of establishing cost estimations (values) of technological systems projects implementation on the basis of functional indicators of efficiency of the harvesting sugar beets technological processes is indicated. For this purpose, have been used the statistical simulation methods with multiple iteration of virtual projects of corresponding technological systems. This made it possible to take into account the influence of stochastic factors in the project environment and to obtain the functional indicators in a probabilistic way. Computer experiments were executed and their results were processed using mathematical statistics methods. The dependence of the mathematical expectation estimates of the uncrossed areas volume from the launch time of sugar beet harvesting projects and their production area for the given technical support is established. The obtained dependencies are used for optimization calculations and their results are presented. According to these results, the optimal value of the production area will vary at different times of project launch time and unchanged technical support for crops harvesting projects.

Author Biographies

Павло Миронович Луб, Львівський національний аграрний університет

Доцент кафедри інформаційних систем та технологій м. Дубляни

Андрій Остапович Шарибура, Львівський національний аграрний університет

Доцент кафедри експлуатації та технічного сервісу машин ім. професора О.Д. Семковича


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