


Core Value, Sociotechnical System, System’s Condition, Transient Processes


The nature of the basic value is investigated in the following article. Particular attention is paid to the value’s development in the initial stages of the system’s emergence. As a result of the research it was revealed that the basic value, as an indicator, allows to inspect the state of the system at various stages of its life cycle. The author analyzes the approaches to process research of the basic value formation of the scientists in technical and economic fields. Studies have shown that considering given problem through the prism of target management one can get organizational forms that have large production potential. At the same time the obtained forms have the property of combining technical and social systems being in a stable state. The basic value of such complex systems is to be based on its internal needs. The basic value of the socio-technical system was based on a certain state function the increment of which in any process performed by the system in a closed environment is equal to the sum of the effects on the system through resources leading it to the transition from the initial state to the final one. Determining the basic value a number of difficulties were also noted one of which is an increase of the error of the parameters defining the location of the system when it is at the stability limit. The basic value is investigated as the primary component of the new socio-technical system as well as the nature of the transition processes of the system in accordance to the use of internal and external resources. It is determined that internal and external resources determine the potential of the system and the possible dynamics of its development. One of the methods for measuring the basic value of the system is defined, in which the isolated system changes its state through resource exchange. One of the conclusions shows that the basic value does not depend on the choice of the previous state but depends on the resources that tranport it into this state.

Author Biography

Valentin Chimshir, Національний університет «Одеська морська академія»

Директор дунайського інституту Ізмаїл


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