infrastructure project, safety management, project kernel, safety-oriented approach, project management, project environment, turbulent environmentAbstract
The scientific article solves the actual scientific - applied task of developing models of infrastructure projects safety management at the planning stage. Has been carried out a thorough analysis of the conducted researches in the field of safety-oriented projects management and has been identified its unsolved part. A model-scheme of safety-oriented infrastructure project management has been developed. It is based on the use of international standards for management the project, programs and portfolios, such as P2M, Prince, PMBok projects, and modern application management tools for project management and describes the interaction of the core of the infrastructure project with project agents and their environment. The model-scheme of formation the conceptual "title" model of safety management in the infrastructure project implementation is proposed, which is key in the formation of the basic prototype of safe parameters planning of infrastructure projects. The presented model - scheme of management the infrastructure projects at the planning stage has allowed to identify possible options for project development with the possible bifurcation of the project life cycle stages in the implementation of safety-oriented management and in the negative impact of the turbulent environment on the project, which will stimulate the uncertainty of the project and chaos. Is presented the model - scheme of infrastructure projects safety parameters, which allowed to structure elements of an infrastructure project taking into account safety parameters. The developed model-scheme of interaction the elements of virtual office of planning safety parameters in the infrastructure projects implementation that involves the creation of specialized software for management the infrastructure project at the planning stage and crisis management in conditions of uncertainty.References
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