
  • Людмила Сергіївна Чернова Національний університет кораблебудування ім. адмірала Макарова, Ukraine



project, program, development programs, program management, program management systems, information applications


In today’s organization, almost all actions are automated, but in terms of activities that could maximally contribute to the success of the organization (namely, such activity is the work on development programs), it is often done in conditions of insufficient system support or its complete absence. Organizations aware of the need to manage enterprise applications should implement the systems needed to maintain and develop such an opportunity. The sequence of implementation of interrelated projects of the program and management of interdependencies, existing between them, as well as the influence they exercise to obtain the benefits of the enterprise, all this requires a certain level of coordination, which is much more complex than the management of individual projects. To solve this problem, the author recommends the use of program management systems. Systems that provide management of development programs at the enterprise far outweigh the possibilities of typical "desktop" project management tools and bring the whole organization much more value. Using the capabilities of an enterprise program management system for standardizing projects, drawing up unified reporting and creating absolute transparency of projects, an enterprise can reduce costs for additional resources, reduce training costs, reduce project risks, while simultaneously increasing the value of resources, improving management projects, process reproducibility and increased program deployment efficiency. Using the basic capabilities of the program management system, an enterprise gets the opportunity to improve decision-making processes, increase flexibility, consistency and create a common direction of action, as a whole, significantly enhances the competitiveness of an enterprise and its place in the market.

Author Biography

Людмила Сергіївна Чернова, Національний університет кораблебудування ім. адмірала Макарова

Доцент інформаційних управляючих систем та технологій


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