


project approach, creative sphere, creative project, project manager, characteristics, artistic event, performers


Application of the project approach to realization of any idea gives the project manager an opportunity to define more accurately the goals and achievement criteria, to structure all processes of works performance, to exclude dilution of responsibility, to carry out better control of a work progress, to optimize resources, to reveal risks and to develop in advance the plan on their prevention or elimination. Project activity in the creative sphere has always existed, but only relatively recently the scientific community paid attention to it from the perspective of thorough study of the specific conditions of creative activity and adaptation of the methodology of project approach to it. When implementing creative projects, the manager will have to work with a team of artists and creative personalities who are not guided by logic and facts, but more emotional, sensitive, visual and intuitive. This has an impact on the formal methodology of the project approach. The level of emotions in creative projects is much higher than in technical projects. Compassion, understanding and support will always be balanced with rigour, perseverance and categorical adherence to clear criteria for achieving the objectives, use of the allocated budget and project schedule. But the project has certain limitations that need to be respected despite the scope of the project approach. Therefore, the project manager needs to find a balance between pushing the project executors to optimize productivity and providing all the necessary resources for inspiration and personal satisfaction from the process and product, thus developing in them talent and creativity, readiness for effective work and maximum use of their creative potential. There is an analysis, which on the example of a specific creative activity, provides an opportunity to make sure that creative activities have all the characteristics of the project. It is concluded that the use of project management methodology without its adaptation to the specifics of the creative sphere will have negative consequences.


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