
  • Віктор Володимирович Морозов Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Ukraine
  • Анна Степанівна Коломієць Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Ukraine
  • Олена Володимирівна Кальніченко Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка,



innovation, innovative projects and programs, model, values, stakeholders, project management


The issues of applying the knowledge system for managing innovative projects and programs to stimulate and improve innovation activity in Ukraine by analyzing the reasons for the weak development of innovations and finding ways to improve this state are considered. The main directions of innovation activity of domestic enterprises, the reasons for failures to bring new products to the market are identified and analyzed. The types of innovation by which innovative activity is carried out at such enterprises are highlighted. The almost complete absence of the project approach to innovation activity is indicated. However, it is noted that traditional project management methodologies based on value systems do not fully allow effective management of innovative projects due to their considerable complexity and riskiness. This leads to the need to find new approaches that take into account the specifics of complex innovation projects and development programs, their elements, characteristics and communication parameters. The issues of development and application of new models to the management of innovative projects based on the value approach are considered. For this purpose, it is proposed to use the model of scientific cooperation on the basis of franchising in terms of maximizing the values of all stakeholders of the project and the program, which is based on a comprehensive systematic approach to determining the state of activity in the innovation project. The structural scheme of interaction with the external environment in the implementation of innovative projects is proposed, which is a conceptual model of this research. Based on this model and scheme of innovative integration, a mathematical model for determining the values of participants and stakeholders of an innovation project or program at all stages of functional interaction within the initiated project activity is proposed.


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