
  • Олександр Георгійович Тімінський Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Ukraine
  • Олександр Степанович Войтенко Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури, Ukraine
  • Людмила Сергіївна Чернова Національний університет кораблебудування імені Адмірала Макарова, Ukraine
  • Любава Сергіївна Чернова Національний університет кораблебудування імені Адмірала Макарова, Ukraine



project management, project-organized organization, bi-adaptive, foresight, competence


The problems of bi-adaptive management based on foresight and its impact on the competence of personnel of a project-oriented organization are described. The literary sources related to the research topic are analyzed. The previously unresolved part of the problem is highlighted. The tasks that should solve the bi-adaptive management model are formulated. Bi-adaptability is defined as the mutual adaptation of the project management system and the operational management system of a project-oriented organization for each other. Foresight models and methods for use in bi-adaptive management of project-oriented organizations are characterized. Foresight is characterized as strategic forecasting of the development of project-oriented organizations with the allocation of values and benefits based on expert assessments. An organizational structure for the introduction of bi-adaptive foresight management is proposed. Three types of relationships are proposed in the organizational structure – functional subordination relationships, hierarchical bi-adaptive management relationships, and cross-hierarchical bi-adaptive management relationships. It is proposed to include two new roles in the organizational structure - the bi-adaptive management manager and the foresight manager. An addition to the functionality of the roles involved in the project and operational management of project-oriented organizations is proposed. In this context, the roles of the project management director (head of the project office), IT director, HR manager of the project office are described. The introduction of bi-adaptive management in the work of project-oriented organizations is described. The characteristics of project-oriented organizations that undergo changes due to the introduction of bi-adaptive management based on foresight are highlighted. Their dynamics is analyzed. The influence of the proposed approach on the competence of a project-oriented organization is characterized. A conclusion is drawn on the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The prospects of further research in the chosen direction are described.


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