


critical infrastructure, project, hazard, monitoring, bioindication


The study addresses the possibility of integrating biomonitoring into the environmental impact assessment process of critical infrastructure projects. It has been established that critical infrastructure projects include projects related to the construction, reconstruction and operation of critical infrastructure facilities. Critical infrastructure projects can be hazardous to the environment, but the timely identification of the nature, intensity, degree of danger of the critical infrastructure project for the state of the environment and public health will be able to prevent processes of manifestation and accordingly promote successful implementation. The peculiarities of carrying out the procedure of environmental impact assessment and its importance as a factor of successful passage of the project throughout the life cycle are determined. It has been established that a comprehensive environmental impact assessment procedure will help to make environmentally sound management decisions that will benefit the environment. An algorithm for carrying out environmental impact assessment for critical infrastructure projects has been developed. A rapid assessment of atmospheric air pollution was carried out using the method of dendroindication based on the study of the stability of tree plantations at all stages of ontogenesis to identify hazards in projects of critical infrastructure. Practical application of the method of dendroindication will allow to improve the possibilities for the detection of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere and to estimate the total value of anthropogenic load on plant organisms. It is established that the use of dendrology as an additional method in carrying out the environmental impact assessment will significantly increase the opportunities in the field of hazard identification for critical infrastructure projects, especially in the aspect of project activities for their reconstruction and operation. The application of the proposed method in the project activities will help to reduce their possible negative impact on the state of the environment.


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