
  • Олена Борисівна Данченко Черкаський державний технологічний університет, Ukraine
  • Мохаммад Ясін Мохаммад Хусайн Нахімі Черкаський державний технологічний університет, Ukraine
  • Оксана Юріївна Савіна Національний університет кораблебудування імені адмірала Макарова, Ukraine



construction project, value, project scope management, stakeholders, stakeholder value management


Scope management of projects, including construction, in the project activity requires consideration of the value orientations of all stakeholders, constant monitoring and control of the scope in order to warnings, prevent possible decrease of the values obtained in the process of creation and realization the product of the construction project. According to the results of the analysis of scientific works, it was concluded that the introduction of a value-oriented approach to the formation of the project scope and the use of work decomposition for construction projects is relevant and requires clarification and research. An advanced approach to managing the scope of construction projects is proposed, which integrates the value components of the requirements and needs of stakeholders, which are represented in the form of a work decomposition structure. The implementation of these processes will allow the project manager and his team to take on a conscious and controlled risk of the project in order to create value that integrates the values of stakeholders. Fulfilling the goals of owners and users is fundamental to creating value through a project. To effectively create the value of a construction project, the value of users must be aligned with the strategies of the owner, embedded in the scope of the project and controlled throughout the life cycle of the project and its product. The project manager should be clearly aware of the consequences the stakeholder values may not account for or ignore, and how to improve or maintain the stakeholder value arrangements to effectively manage the construction project. It is concluded that the value-oriented management the scope of a construction project can be the basis for a new component of project scope management methodology, which will allow including in the scope recommendations and relevant documents that regulate the values of stakeholders, as well as allow at all stages of the project life cycle to carry out monitor and controls both values and scope components.


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