
  • Тетяна Олександрівна Прокопенко Черкаський державний технологічний університет, Ukraine
  • Богдан Петрович Ободовський Черкаський державний технологічний університет, Ukraine



IT project, competence, efficiency, risk, decision making


Research and justification of the impact of project team members' competences on the effectiveness of the IT project is proposed. In the modern world, information technology (IT) is becoming an integral part of the functioning of any enterprise, institution, organization, etc., as well as the privacy of each person. In the conditions of doing business and strong competition in the market of information services, the problem of obtaining a quality product, improving productivity, improving management, improving competitiveness becomes especially acute. Effective management of an IT project depends on the organization and formation of the project team. IT companies are constantly in need of new employees. Modern approaches to the formation of IT project management teams are based on the concept of competence work. The concept of managing a project team involves assessing the competence of employees based on their key qualities to perform their job responsibilities. A competent approach will ensure high management performance. The study examines the relationship between the effectiveness of the project's IT and the competencies of the project team members in terms of the execution of all processes in the project, which depend on the competencies, as well as the identification of the risk of failure of the process in the project. Harrington's generalized desirability feature provides a way of comparing project performance. These results depend directly on the overall assessment of the competencies of the project team members and affect the effectiveness of the project. The conclusions about the possibility of applying the conducted research in the development of an intelligent information system for assessing the competencies of the project team members were made. This will allow for a more thorough selection of applicants to the IT project team and improve management productivity.


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