
  • Ігор Михайлович Флис Національна академія сухопутних військ ім. гетьмана Петра Сагайдачного, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6334-0027




hyper dynamic project, project management, project life cycle, project duration, project intensity, project management principles


The role and place of projects in various arears of social and industrial activity, the life cycle of which is measured by several days or hours, have been analyzed. An example of such specific projects are the solution of tasks in the field of national security and defense (combat operations in the armed conflicts, full-fledged military operations), liquidation of emergencies consequences (large-scale forest fires, floods, tsunamis, man-made disasters), as well as in other industries (in agricultural and construction industries, at transport). Such specific projects have all their characteristic attributes: time and resources limited unique one-off process. The role and importance of specific projects, the implementation duration of which is measured by several days or hours in general classification, have been identified. It is proposed to classified specific projects according to their life cycle into four groups: long-term, lasting from one to several years, short-term, lasting from one month to one year, dynamic, lasting from several days to one month, and hyper dynamic, lasting from several hours to one-three days. The features of hyper dynamic projects managing have been analyzed and its main principles have been formulated: task definition and unambiguous understanding of the task (industrial, operational-tactical, combat), its full awareness by all executors at all project phases; efficiency and perfection of all preparatory work (all-round project providing with all necessary means and resources) and the active phase of hyper dynamic project (fire damage of the enemy, firefighting, accident or  disaster consequences liquidation, harvesting on tight agro-technical terms, goods transportation, engineer networks repairing, etc.); high level of proficiency and highest level of willful responsibility for the fulfillment of their regular duties during the work (operational-tactical, combat, industrial)  of hyper dynamic project performers at all levels of the superstructure; professional training and moral support of hyper dynamic project performers purposefulness and discipline in the process of its realization, despite the active influence of risks, the main ones being the probable threats to health and life; control system clarity and continuity in the process of hyper dynamic project implementation, which is ensured, first of all, by maintaining the stable operation of communication systems, their duplication or multiplicity; identification of potential risks, reaction and tracking in the course of hyper dynamic project executing, especially in the case of highly probable threats to the performers health and life; continuous monitoring of the execution of all stages of  hyper dynamic project, instant decision making and prompt adjustments corrective (orders and commands submission to the subordinates in the hierarchical construction by communication means). The next stage of our research, we consider, is substantiation of the projects duration classification and doing the intensity analysis of the consumption of allocated (planned) resources for their implementation.


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