



conflict; project team; joint activities; sources of conflict; corporate culture; conflict personalities; project manager; behavioral competencies; conflict management


It is shown that in the case of people carrying out joint activities, including in the practice of using project management technology, conflicts may arise between performers and different groups of performers. They, as a rule, are due to differences in goals and motives, aspirations and interests of people, their psychological characteristics. Conflicts are undesirable, since they significantly complicate the interaction and relationships between the performers and, accordingly, prevent the achievement of the desired or expected results of joint activities in the implementation of project tasks. The nature and possible causes of the conflict and its types are analyzed. In particular, it has been found that not every difference causes conflicts. Their sources are basically only those situations in which the material interests of at least one of the parties, their dignity or social status are affected. This indicates the importance of taking into account in the practice of project management not only technological, but also psychological aspects of activity. The nature of the interaction between the level of cohesion, psychological compatibility and corporate culture of the project team and the impact of possible conflicts on it and on the relationship between members of the project team. It is shown that the likelihood of conflict increases significantly when the project team includes so-called conflicting personalities. The meaning and nature of the project manager's activity, aimed at preventing conflicts, as a manifestation of one of his important behavioral competencies, is revealed. Examples of the content and nature of the model of adequate behavior of a leader in a conflict, as well as behavior requiring correction, are given. The article considers the essence of the conflictological competence of the project manager, which includes the manager's knowledge and understanding of his possible violations that can lead to conflict situations and conflicts. Effective ways of preventing and managing conflicts in case of their occurrence are considered.

Author Biographies

Marina Grinchenko, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

PhD, Associate Professor

Olexandr Ponomaryov, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor

Olena Lobach, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

PhD, Associate Professor

Alla Kharchenko, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

Candidate of Еconomic Sciences, Associate Professor


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