


gender mainstreaming; maturity management; gender maturity of educational management; gender audit, STEM


Contemporary requirements for a gender-responsive educational management system with an emphasis on the STEM industry is outlined. The need for the use of gender audit of higher education institutions (HEI) is indicated. It is noted that the management system should be capable of greater integration of gender-sensitive components. A matrix of parameters of gender maturity of the organizational system of HEI is proposed. It includes five basic principles of gender equality defined by the World Economic Forum (“gender equality in the workplace”, “gender-balanced management”, “gender-equitable organizational processes”, “promoting equal participation of women and men in decision-making”, “promoting development of the leadership potential of women”). The contextual requirements for a gender-responsive educational management system are structured. G. Kerzner's project management maturity model was applied to improve the author's method of measuring gender activity in HEI. The results of an experimental study of assessing the gender maturity of the management system are presented on the example of Ukrainian universities.

Author Biographies

Tetiana Fesenko, Kharkiv National University Of Radio Electronics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Andriy Kovalenko, Kharkiv National University Of Radio Electronics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Vitalii Tkachov, Kharkiv National University Of Radio Electronics

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Galyna Fesenko, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor


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Центр гендерної освіти Харківського національного університету радіоелектроніки. URL: (дата звертання : 19 грудня 2021).





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