



IT projects; IT project management team; responsibility matrix


The analysis of formation and management of the team of IT projects is carried out. The dependence of the criteria of team formation and structure on the type of software product creation technology is shown. A comparison between the definitions "project team (executives team)" and "project management team" is presented. The paper shows the need to create an additional IT project management team to improve the efficiency of its management and ensure successful completion. The proposals are based on the results of the analysis of the real project on the basis of the responsibility matrix. It is possible to identify the shortcomings of the formed team of the IT project, in terms of implementation of project team members of different types of work, for different competencies, which reduced productivity. Based on this, another team was proposed, which included a team of managers, which gave better results in terms of cost and duration of the project. The newly formed team had greater productivity, as the channels of interaction with project managers are set up correctly. The project management team, which was added to the existing project, helped to improve all indicators of the project implementation. The use of an IT project management team will be important and necessary for teams that use Design Thinking technology. The decision on the advisability of creating an IT project management team should be based on the criteria: "advantages and disadvantages of project management efficiency". The disadvantage of using a project management team will be an increase in the number of people if the criterion was to minimize them, or an increase in the budget if it is calculated on a monthly salary of contractors. As the evaluation criteria are optimization of team management processes, application of competency approach, reduction of multitasking and professional development, the project management team, as an additional organizational structure of the project, certainly has advantages and is recommended for use.

Author Biographies

Pavlo Teslenko, Odesa Polytechnic National University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Diana Malakhova, Odesa Polytechnic National University



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