


infrastructure project; project management; project environment; hybrid technologies


In the scientific article the actual scientific and applied task of development of models of management the infrastructure projects by means of hybrid technologies is solved. A thorough analysis of research in the field of infrastructure project management and identified its unresolved part. Was conducted the analysis of the subject area of the state of implementation of infrastructure projects at the regional level; terminological base of scientific research; a system of normative legal acts in the field of financial regulation of infrastructure projects and programs at the regional level and standards for project management; international experience in implementing programs at the regional level; modern approaches to the management of infrastructure projects and programs at the regional level. A scientific and applied concept of hybrid management of infrastructure projects and programs at the regional level by means of convergence of knowledge systems for project management has been developed. Described the project environment of infrastructure projects and programs at the regional level, which includes the core implementation and operation of infrastructure projects and programs using hybrid technologies at the regional level, and four blocks underlying the set of parameters and values of such projects and programs. It is determined that the complexity of infrastructure projects and programs of the territorial system determines the problem of project management, and accordingly the complexity of projects. Thus, complex projects are projects with a high level of uncertainty of input data, high probability or magnitude of potential risks and the need to use different approaches in project implementation, including the involvement of a relatively large number of experts in different fields of specialization. Scientifically based methods and mechanisms of hybrid management of infrastructure projects and programs at the regional level allow to identify and implement possible measures to improve the situation in the region and improve the organizational and functional structure of resource management.

Author Biographies

Oleh Zachko, Lviv State University of Life Safety

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Dmytro Kobylkin, Lviv State University of Life Safety

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Iryna Zachko, Nestle Ukraine

Candidate of Technical Sciences


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