


micro-; meso- and macro-ecologistic system; project of ecologistic system; project potential; ecologistic product; classification of ecologistic systems projects


The negative impact of human economic activity on the environment has led to an imbalance in the economic and environmental aspects of life and the emergence of a threat of disruption to the ecosystems state, which will make it impossible for humanity to fully exist on the planet. The solution to the problem is in the plane of ecologization all spheres of management, including logistics, which has a significant impact on the state of the environment. The change in the worldview paradigm led to the emergence of the ecologically oriented logistic system concept, by which it is proposed to understand the logistic system as a set of link elements interconnected in the process of management the direct and reverse logistic flows movement, taking into account the eco-destructive impact on the environment. The article proposes to consider the management of ecologistic systems through the prism of the project approach. The purpose of the article is to characterize projects of ecologistic systems. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved: specific features of ecologistic systems  projects were investigated; the place of ecologistic systems projects in the classification of projects was determined; a classification of ecologistic systems projects has been developed. The characteristics of the  ecologistic system project as a complex cybernetic system are given, the components of the project potential are determined. The place of  micro-, meso- and macro-ecologistic systems projects in the general classification of projects and the classification of investment projects has been determined. The article presents the author's classification of ecologistic systems projects. As a basic classification criterion, it is proposed to use the reason for the implementation or the purpose of the project: the creation, development or functioning of an ecologistic system. Creation projects are classified according to the product being created. Development projects are classified depending on the object or subject of management, kind and type of development. Functioning projects include projects to create an ecologistic product.

Author Biography

Tetiana Kovtun, Odessa National Maritime University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


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