


information system; statistical simulation modeling; project management; content and time in projects; project environment; technical equipment; timeliness of works; harvest; losses; efficiency


The prerequisites for the creation and use of information-analytical systems for support decision-making in crop harvesting projects are revealed. The peculiarities of the projects environment impact on the implementation of winter rape harvesting projects are presented. Emphasis is placed on the importance of timely of works execution in crop harvesting projects, as well as solving tasks on coordination of content (technical equipment of technological processes of stem spraying and combine seed harvesting) and time of work in projects. The importance of the biological processes impact of winter rapeseed ripening and agrometeorological conditions on the time constraints of the technical equipment operation of projects is indicated. It is noted that this impact determines the variability of the timing of the start of work, as well as their duration and affects the functional performance of winter rapeseed harvesting projects. The necessity of taking into account of these features in the statistical simulation model of the technological system projects of rapeseed harvesting is proved. The development and results of the use of information and analytical system to support project management processes are presented. The method of taking into account the impact of the project environment (subject and agrometeorological conditions) on the timing and timeliness of work in harvesting projects is shown. The expediency of simulation models and methods creating of reflecting the probabilistic conditions of the technical equipment of agricultural crops harvesting projects are described. Computer experiments with a simulation model were performed with the initial data on technical equipment (high-clearance sprayer Mekosan Tecnoma Laser4240-30 and CLAAS Mega 360 combine), cultivar and limits of its production area. The peculiarities of the influence of the main components of crop harvesting projects on the indicators of their efficiency are revealed. The simulation was performed for the set limits of the production area of winter rape – 10-500 ha with a stepwise increase of 10 ha. Correlation dependences of functional indicators efficiency of technological systems on volumes of projects works taking into account influence of the project environment are established.

Author Biographies

Pavlo Lub, Lviv National Agrarian University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Sergiy Berezovetskyi, Lviv National Agrarian University

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Roman Padyuka, Lviv National Agrarian University

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Roman Chubyk, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Сandidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


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