


agile management methodologies; transport operator; transport technologies; route network; public transport


The paper considers the features of Agile project management methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban, and Lean manufacturing. The experience of
their use in transport systems and technologies is studied. During the research, it was determined that these methodologies are often used for the
organisation of freight transportation and logistics, and there is almost no information on their implementation in urban passenger transportation. The
use of alternative methods for managing road transport enterprises and projects is essential as it will contribute to the effective organisation of
passenger transportation and estimation of the rational fleet size, which, in turn, will improve the quality of service for passengers, reduce adverse
transport monopoly effects, promote business development and create new jobs. This will allow people to access healthcare and educational services,
save time and resources, and reduce travel costs. The paper proposes to combine the principles of the Scrum methodology and the cascade approach by
the example of managing the project devoted to improving the route network of a public transport operator. A list of actions and processes necessary to
reflect the project sprints is provided. The research results show that implementing the agile management principles will improve the quality of
modelling and project development and positively influence the enterprise management culture.


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