


self-organization, synergetics, biological factors, development, project, project management


A bee swarm, termite colony, anthill, mycelia are just a few biological systems that exist in nature for millions of years, survive and evolve. All the biological systems listed above are united by one concept - the concept of self-organization. Evolutionary processes occurring in these biological systems have been studied for decades by various scientists. This article analyzes the similarity of self-organization processes in biological systems and project teams. The relevance of the topic lies in the importance of rethinking the processes of self-organization in project teams and in building a new structure for the further development of the concepts of self-learning and self-management. As you know, the key resource for the development of society and the economy is the human resource, which cannot always be systematically managed under the supervision of the manager. Self-organization is an important aspect of team life in our future, precisely because of the mobility of functions. This process is characterized by the ability to rationally organize work, both one's own and the work of subordinate teams. Thereby, an effectively designed system of self-management, which takes into account the specifics of the organization's work and the current economic situation, is considered one of the key factors contributing to the achievement of the goals set by the organization. A new look at the structures of the synergetic level, which were established by the laws of physics and nature, will allow us to develop and establish new paradigms in the processes of self-organization and self-management.


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