art project, mediator, mediation, teamwork, art project management.Abstract
The paper reviews and analyzes approaches to the formation of project teams. The disadvantages, probability and feasibility of applying each approach to the implementation of art projects are identified. Approaches to team building and parameters for determining well-coordinated teamwork that directly affect its effectiveness are considered and analyzed. Arguments are presented for the expediency of involving a psychology specialist both for the organization as a whole and for the project team during the implementation of a specific project. Arguments are presented for the expediency of involving a mediator in projects of any field and, especially, in art projects. The roles and tasks of psychology and mediation specialists in managing art project teams are clarified in order to analyze the functional similarities and differences in their work. On the basis of this analysis, a matrix of distribution of functions is formed, which determines which of the most common situations in the work on an art project are within the competence of a psychologist, and which require the intervention of a mediator. This analysis proves the need to involve a professional mediation specialist in the implementation of art projects, along with a psychologist, for a more effective outcome in resolving conflicts and disputes, including the settlement of conflicts of interest arising in the process of negotiating and concluding agreements and contracts. This matrix can be used not only for art projects, but also as a useful tool for a project manager in the distribution of functions when engaging a mediator in projects of any kind. Two ways of involving a mediator in an art project are considered: as a full-time employee of the organization and inviting an external specialist to work on a specific project. The advantages and disadvantages of each of them are analyzed. The result of the analysis shows that it is impossible to unambiguously determine the optimal method for all art projects. Based on the priorities of the art project customer and an assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of each method, the project manager chooses the method of involving a mediator in each art project separately.
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