


project and program management, self-managed organizations, development projects, syncretic methodology, project management models, infrastructure restoration projects of Ukraine


The relevance of developing models and methods of syncretic management for development projects of self-managed organizations is justified. The practical value of such models for infrastructure restoration projects in Ukraine is emphasized. The methodological approach of syncretic management to the implementation of infrastructure restoration projects was proposed, an analysis of the environment for the implementation of development projects of self-managed organizations was carried out, including the characteristics of the environment of the management models of development projects, suitable models of the life cycle of development projects and the main elements of the self-managed approach for use in the studied projects. Three characteristics of the life cycle model for development projects of self-managed organizations are defined, and a four-phase model is proposed: initialization, implementation, testing, and closure. The main elements of the self-managed approach were identified for use in the studied projects, consisting of seven such elements: the use of the principle of self-management, collegial decision-making, the absence of a formal leader, the assumption of responsibility by members of a self-managed team, self-determination of motivation, the use of holacracy models and methods, independent development of competence by participants teams Two models were proposed - α-model and β-model of management of development projects of self-managed organizations in a syncretic context. Visualization of the specified models, their description and comparative characteristics were provided. In the development of this approach, a complex model of management of development projects of self-managed organizations was also formalized in a syncretic context, in the form of a formal eight using set theory. a SWOT analysis of the proposed models was carried out, their strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats that may arise as a result of their use were highlighted. A conclusion was made based on the results of the SWOT analysis. Prospects for further research in the chosen direction were formulated. It was determined that the qualified implementation of the mentioned developments in the practice of infrastructure restoration projects will potentially increase the effectiveness of such projects and portfolios of such projects.


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