
  • Marina Grinchenko Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут», Ukraine
  • Volodymyr Moskalenko Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут», Ukraine



strategic analysis, performance indicator, competitive status, modeling, integral indicator, cognitive map, expert knowledge, fuzzy model, agent modeling


The stages of strategic analysis from the point of view of determining the competitive potential of the IT company and the market climate are considered. An approach to determining the company's strategic position based on the results of the analysis of the company's internal potential and competitive climate is given. It is shown that according to the theory of I. Ansoff, to calculate the indicator of the company's competitive status, which characterizes its strategic success, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of the company's opportunities to be competitive on the market. It is proposed to determine the company's competitive capabilities as an integral indicator of strategic KPIs - key indicators of the IT company's activity. A description of the system of key performance indicators, which is used by an IT company to analyze the results of its activities according to aspects: finances, customers, business processes and personnel, is described. The need to conduct a factor analysis of the integral indicator of the company's competitive capabilities to determine strategies for the development of aspects of its activity is substantiated. For this purpose, it is proposed to build a cognitive model considering the strategic vision of the development of the IT company during the planned period. The conceptual basis of the cognitive model for determining the development strategy, which establishes a sequence of strategic steps that will ensure the transition from the current state of the IT company to the target one, is described. It is substantiated that carrying out such modeling will allow to determine the prerequisites for creating and maintaining the appropriate level of the company's market advantage. It will also make it possible to assess the elements of the company's strategic potential, for example, the provision of resources for the implementation of development strategies, the adequacy of the chosen strategy to the external environment, etc. A cognitive map was built to display and identify the strength of cause-and-effect relationships between aspects of activity and strategic KPIs, the values of which characterize the achievement of the IT company's development goal. The use of fuzzy cognitive modeling as a means of researching weakly structured systems, including as a tool for strategic analysis of the IT company's activities, is substantiated. The task of fuzzy cognitive modeling was formed to identify the degrees of influence of aspects of activity on the value of the CRI.


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