library migration, third-party dependency migration, library recommendation, multi-metric ranking, library adoption, library selectionAbstract
An analysis has been conducted on the relevance of the problem of migrating third-party tools in IT projects, which is characterized by regularity and presents challenges for developers in terms of decision-making. The analysis shows that the migration of third-party tools requires developers not only to have technical knowledge and skills but also a deep understanding of migration management strategies, risk assessment methods, and the ability to integrate new tools into existing projects without negatively impacting the workflow. The necessity of migrating third-party tools in the IT field, which is a crucial aspect for ensuring the relevance, efficiency, and innovation of software in a rapidly changing technological landscape, is directly considered. Main attention is given to the review of modern research and methodologies aimed at simplifying the process of tool migration, reducing development and support costs, and enhancing software security. Proposals regarding comprehensive approaches to managing migrations are considered, including the use of automated systems for analyzing large volumes of data about the history of changes in projects, risk assessment, and effective communication among all project participants. The justification for the significance of migrating third-party tools to ensure the sustainable development of software in a dynamically changing technological environment is discussed. The need for further research in this field is highlighted, aimed at developing new tools and methodologies to optimize the migration process, with the goal of enhancing developer productivity and ensuring the high quality of final software products. The importance of a systematic and comprehensive approach to migrating third-party tools, based on detailed data analysis, a deep understanding of risks, effective communication, and the application of modern technological solutions, is emphasized.
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