
  • Olena Serhiienko Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут», Ukraine
  • Natalya Chernova Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут», Ukraine
  • Igor Momotkov Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут», Ukraine
  • Ostap Huz Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут», Ukraine



business process, strategic management, efficiency, model, synergistic effect


The current state of the IT industry is characterized by a high level of market capitalization and rapid growth rates compared to most other sectors of the global economy. Preservation of the specified competitive position requires research on improving the management efficiency and determines the relevance of the task of evaluating and analyzing IT companies’ business processes system. The problem of analyzing the business process system is sufficiently researched, but the issue of modeling the relationships between individual indicators characterizing business processes and general performance indicators still needs to be refined. Efficiency shows how well the processes in the complex are performed, therefore it is very important not only to evaluate the efficiency indicator quantitatively, but also to determine the degree of influence of individual components on it, to obtain a list of key problematic factors of negative influence, for which minor changes in their course lead to significant changes in the functioning and development of the company as a whole. In the current study, primary attention is paid to strategic business processes, which in turn are decomposed into tactical and operational ones. The overall assessment of the effectiveness of a strategic business process depends on the effectiveness of each subsidiary process. It is proposed to evaluate the effectiveness of operational level processes in relation to the amount of labor and material resources spent on their implementation. The purpose of the work is the development and practical implementation of an algorithm for evaluating and analyzing IT company business processes effectiveness. The specified algorithm includes the following main stages: assessment of business process quantitative parameters; building a dependence model of business process results and resource indicators; assessment of business process management efficiency indicators; assessment of the synergistic effect from the implementation of subsidiary business processes. The system of quantitative indicators is obtained as a result of the algorithm implementation. The system allows to rank business processes according to the efficiency level, to determine the degree of influence of business process individual components on the overall efficiency, to evaluate the synergistic effect of the implementation of subsidiary business processes.


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