



management information system; center of competence; game-theoretic approach; hierarchical game; distributed control


The implementation of information management systems in companies and the tasks to be solved for their support were considered. It was decided that in order to increase the efficiency of the support process, there is a need to create a center or centers of competences on the side of the client-customer of the information management system. It was shown that the functional model of a system management with several control centers and one managed entity uses a two-level management hierarchy that implements the necessary management functions and is aimed at minimizing costs. On the basis of the game-theoretic model, the synergistic expediency of combining the efforts of competence centers in the management of a certain object, which is a participant in a hierarchical game, has been confirmed. An arbitrary system with two centers of competence was studied as a two-level hierarchical game. The conditions of antagonism, equilibrium of the game were analyzed, and the effectiveness of strategies of merger or cooperation of player control centers in a system with distributed control was confirmed. It was concluded that in the management of complex continuous systems, the unification of competence centers proves its effectiveness in comparison with individual management and facilitates the regulated process of implementing information systems in companies.


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