


requirements engineering, requirements development, requirements specification, requirements management system, simulation modeling, object-oriented methods, graphical modeling method, visual models


The article is analyzed existing experience and approaches to the management of requirements in innovative projects. The features of the formation and development of requirements in projects of different directions on the basis of the requirements engineering methodology are considered. Analyzed the main types, groups and types of requirements in projects. A comparative analysis of existing requirements management systems and methods for their modeling has been conducted. Approaches to modeling the requirements management system in the project are considered based on the application of object-oriented simulation methods with the required level of detail in the development of model objects that are accepted as the most optimal for building a model of the system while ensuring its informativeness and effectiveness. The most effective for managing requirements is the approach in which they operate with the minimum number of requirements (groups of requirements), mainly those that will provide the greatest benefit to the consumer. Given this approach, the necessary and sufficient model objects that can be adopted for most projects are defined. To represent the interrelationships of objects, actions with them and results, as the most obvious, a graphic method of ARIS simulation modeling was adopted, which can be implemented as graphical diagrams (visual models). Relationships of the model objects have been proposed to be represented by a scheme that provides for the definition and formalization of requirements for making decisions on their coordination, changes and implementation, preservation of information and replenishment of the knowledge base. To concretize and transform objects, their detailing is carried out to the level necessary for decision-making in the process of planning and implementing a project. The systematization and assessment of the importance of requirements is carried out by forming a formalized list in the form of a QFD matrix, which will then be used to make decisions on the project and its product. When developing design solutions, standardized or system requirements and consumer requirements it is advisable to harmonize and form a single consolidated list of requirements. The proposed approach to system modeling allows: minimizing the total number of requirements; systematize a significant amount of information; identify sets of requirements related to a specific project; consider requirements in relation to both the group level and the level of individual requirements. With the accumulation of information on managing the requirements of such projects, the considered approach will make it possible to assess the achieved level of project requirements management depending on the management objects that make up the model.

Author Biography

Анатолій Михайлович Овсянкін, Національний авіаційний університет

Доцент кафедри технологій управління


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