


critical infrastructure, risk, protection, security, transport, management


The analysis of the main scientific and theoretical aspects, experience and concepts of critical infrastructure protection in Ukraine and the world was carried out. An important and priority vector of the country’s security policy is to increase the security and stability of the national critical infrastructure. Рower stations, oil and gas pipelines, seaports, high-speed and public communications channels, cities for life support (water supply and drainage), waste disposal, ambulance services and emergency services, high-tech enterprises and enterprises of the military-industrial complex as well as central authorities are objects of critical infrastructure. Objects of critical infrastructure оf transport are important objects of critical infrastructure in the Ukraine. The objects of transport infrastructure are traffic highways, transport enterprises of state importance, bridges, seaports, airports, pipelines and others. Effective management of critical infrastructure components such as energy, industry and the life-support of the population requires an effective mechanism for the operation of the security of data objects. Detailed classification of transport infrastructure objects has been carried out. These objects are strategic and require special protection. The place of transport objects in the overall system of critical infrastructure of the state is investigated. The analysis of literary sources testifies to the availability of various scientific and theoretical approaches to the security aspects of objects of critical transport infrastructure. In Ukraine there is no mechanism for preventing possible hazardous situations related to the functioning of critical infrastructure.

Author Biographies

Вікторія Олександрівна Хрутьба, Національний транспортний університет

Завідувач кафедри екології та безпеки життєдіяльності

Вадим Ігорович Зюзюн, Національний транспортний університет

Доцент кафедри екології та безпеки життєдіяльності


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