


information-analytical system, project environment, technological systems, modeling, evaluation, support of management decisions, production development


The necessity of creation and use of information-analytical systems in the projects of materially-technical development of agricultural enterprises and, in particular, support of management decisions in the projects of crop harvesting is specified. The components that should be taken into account when supporting management decisions in the technological systems development of the harvesting sugar beet projects are shown. The general scheme of the methodology of information and analytical management decision support for crop harvesting projects is presented. It is shown as the usage of the Monte Carlo method (statistical simulation modeling) to reflect the work in these projects allows us to take into account the combined influence of unmanaged and stochastic components of the project environment on the timeliness of these works and the effectiveness of project implementation. The use of statistical simulation methods allows performing multiple implementations (iterations) of the virtual crop harvesting project model. On this basis, the variability (stochasticity) of the project environment and its impact on the final indicators of project implementation are reproduced. Performing such computer experiments for various management decisions and processing their results using mathematical statistics allows evaluating the effectiveness of operational, tactical and strategic project management of technological systems. The relationship between the main components of crop harvesting projects that have a cumulative effect on their effectiveness is revealed. Based on the developed statistical simulation model of sugar beet harvesting technological processes, computer experiments were performed and management decisions were made to coordinate the startup time of the harvesting projects, the production area, and technical equipment parameters. The advantages of using information-analytical systems for managing projects of materially-technical development of agricultural enterprises are generalized, which plays an important role in improving the efficiency of management processes.


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