


computer graphics; pipeline; project management; Python


Computer graphics is developing dynamically in various spheres of human life. Paying attention to the high dynamism of the world around us, the issue of optimizing the process of video, animation, character, advertising, avatar, etc. creation is becoming increasingly important. The graphic product requires the fastest production process without paying attention to the fact that it is a development of a feature film, a commercial project of various scales or a project of 10 frames. The analysis of the main achievements of specialists in the field of computer graphics revealed different approaches to the organization of graphic projects. In specialist’s works, attention is paid to the principles of graphic conveyors of major studios and film companies. The purpose of this work is to present recommendations for the organization of the process of developing a short video series by one person, taking into account the automation of the relevant stages of work, on the example of a video of social advertising. To implement this task, the scheme of the project workflow was proposed, where the main stages of creating graphic content are marked, the relevant software and selected parts of the workflow such as preproduction, production and postproduction. The following software tools were selected for the project implementation: Z-Brush, Blender, Autodesk Maya, Adobe After Effects. The analysis of the development algorithm showed the critical points of the scheme, which reduce the speed of the project. To avoid this, it was proposed the technique of "pipeline". As a result of research the methodologies of the graphics pipeline organization was raised, and the beneficial effects of reliable workflow management were illustrated. A visual and detailed form of presentation of the creating a graphic product stages using the "pipeline"  technique  will help increase the level of knowledge among beginners.

Author Biographies

Darya Vorontsova, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Hanna Fedchenko, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


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